Padinago's trip to Iceland in 2023

Day 11 - Driving to Egilsstaðir and exploring Hafnarhólmi

Breakfast at 8am and we leave for Egilsstaðir. First stop is at the Jökuldasvegur where we wanted to see the cable over the canyon and Stuðlagil Canyon but that road was closed. So we drive back to the main route and we stop at Rjúkandafoss. We walk up to the falls. Then we drive till the Jökulsá á Bru where there is a little pedestrian bridge over this nice little canyon with blue water. Then we drive further east to lake Vatnsskarð for a photo stop. Then we drive through the little town of Lindarbakki where we will stop on our way back to see a nice little turf house with cute church next to it called Bakkagerõiskirkja (from 1901). Then we drive to Hafnarhólmi, a small fishing village with a rock where thousands of puffins and other birds are nesting in the summer. We can see them from about a meter distance, what a beautiful experience. After many pictures we drive to Lake hotel Egilsstaðir, but first we stop at Lindarbakki.
We check in at the hotel, we get a room with view on the lake. Go for a little walk to the lake, have a drink on the nice terrace of the hotel. This is the first hotel where hot water smells like sulphur… We book a table for dinner at 7.30pm, dinner is fabulous.


Jökulsá á Bru Jökulsá á Bru Route 944


Hafnarhólmi Harbour
Puffin at Hafnarhólmi Puffins at Hafnarhólmi Puffin nests at Hafnarhólmi

Puffins at Hafnarhólmi
Puffin with catch of the day at Hafnarhólmi In front of Hafnarhólmi Puffin with catch of the day in front of the nest at Hafnarhólmi You can get close!

Puffins at Hafnarhólmi
Puffins at Hafnarhólmi An Eider duck Puffin at Hafnarhólmi Bakkagerõiskirkja in Lindarbakki A nice little turf house in Lindarbakki

