Padinago's trip to Iceland in 2023

Day 05 - Driving to Akureyri

Breakfast around 7am at the hotel and then the drive to Akureyri.
First we stop at the 'Woolfactory and shop' and take a look around.
We drive up to Hvitserkur and walk around, but no seals today.
We then drive down to Kolugljufur Canyon and walk along the beautiful waterfalls.
When we arrive in Akureyri we check in at Sulur guesthouse, terribly small room, tiny bathroom, kitchen where breakfast is served we see an open bottle of milk and orange juice, we decide not to stay there... Nathalie spotted a hotel just around the corner, Berjaya hotel, we decide to inform there, they have a room available so we take it, nice and beautiful room. We walk around the center, book a table for dinner at Centrum Kitchen and Bar. Back to hotel for a shower and we go for another walk in town, very crowded due to a big cruise boat that arrived.

Route 711 Near Route 711 The speedlimit is 80 km/h (on gravel!) but always watch out for 'wildlife'! 😉 Icelandic horses near Route 711 Route 711 Hvitserkur Hvitserkur Nathalie in action near Kolugljufur Canyon Kolugljufur Canyon

Kolugljufur Canyon Fall

Kolugljufur Canyon
Stephan G Stephansson Monument near Route 1 Near Route 1 Did you notice the traffic lights in Akureyri? 💕 Nathalie looks fine, but Patrick... Akureyri Akureyri Akureyri Akureyri

