Padinago's trip to Iceland in 2023

Day 20 - Exploring the 'Golden Circle'

Breakfast around 7.30am then we leave. The sun is shining! We drive the 'Golden Circle' today. Our first stop is at Tröllafoss but cannot get there as the road is closed ‘private road’ on a sign. So we drive further to Þórufoss. We cannot find it, (but when we were back home and looked at the place where we took pictures we saw that we were about 50m from the fall, but we didn't know it... 😕)
Then up to Þingvellir, where we go for a walk through the canyon (until Drekkingarhylur) but it is so crowded and only as special for it historical means.
On 17 June 1944 independence was declared here for Iceland. We drive on to the gorge Hvannabrekka.
Have a short walk in the canyon. Then drive on to the Hrafnagjá observation deck for a picture stop. Then on to the hot spring in Laugarvatn. Short walk and we drive on.
Then to Brúarárfoss on a new road that was not even available on our gps, before you had to walk 3 km to see them, not anymore! Very beautiful foss that fills a gorge with beautiful blue water.
Then we drive on to Geysi where we see a few eruptions of the Strokkur Geysir. Nice but very short eruptions. Then it starts raining!
We drive on to a beautiful foss called Gullfoss, very beautiful but it is pouring and very windy. So we take just a few quick pictures with the phone to protect our camera as everything gets wet! At the other side of the road we see Katla vulcano and little sister Eyjafjallajökull from the other side then a few days before. Then we drive on to Brúarhlöð Canyon, there we see a car wreck, strange?! We didn’t get out due to the weather. Then we try to drive to Nesjavallavirkjun, to see the geothermic central and to drive you the Mosfellsheidi valley but the gravel road is full of holes filled with water so you don’t see how deep they are and makes it hard to drive so we decide to turn back. Because of the rain we drive to Smáralind shopping mall and then to the hotel.
Dinner at Rossopomodoro.

Þingvellir Þingvellir Þingvellir, Drekkingarhylur Hvannabrekka Hrafnagjá Hot Spring on Laugarvatn Brúarfos We at Brúarfos Geysi Geysi The Strokkur Geysir at Geysi

A small eruption of the Strokkur Geysir at Geysi

Gullfoss in the rain...
Brúarhlöð Canyon (taken from inside of the car...)

